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Three years ago I wrote a painfully long blog post about why videography is important for a wedding. 2013 was a time where videography was often thought of in the last few months (or weeks) prior to marriage. It was  a time where the possibility of adding video coverage in addition to photography coverage just wasn’t […]

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Hello friends, travelers and fellow videographers!   It’s time for another video love story to be put on display for all the world to see. Today present the lovely wedding of Ashley and Zack Walker, two delightful souls who had a gorgeous wedding on the IMG Academy Golf Club. Filming so many weddings you start to […]

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Finally! We are ready to start rolling out new films made from 2016! Excited to present this one as well. Our expanded team of editors have been a wonderful addition to the APL team. Taylor and Bryce were a delightful couple, we are excited to present their film to the public! The venue was gorgeous, […]

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Apr 28, 2016

A Fresh New Logo!

Hi there. As I alluded to in my first post of the year, we at A Peachy Life Productions have been hard at work on redesigning a lot of things about the company, from our web site, to our products, to our delivery and, at the moment, our logo. Yes, we believe strongly in our […]

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Weddings are a monumental moment in anyone’s life. This we know. But there is something that often receives less attention and is completely forgotten by the time of the wedding: the engagement. Engagements are typically handled on a more personal level. Couples are lucky to have a few pictures of the moment, if even that. […]

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Weddings are are a strange, yet exciting spectacles. Strange because so many people of all walks of life go through it and exciting because everyone manages to somehow find someway to make it their own. As someone who documents these major life events, I look out for these subtleties. I catch myself smiling and even […]

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It may seem like A Peachy Life Productions has become dried up in the video department as it has been quite some time since our last public video. We have been doing a lot of shooting and two of our recent videos never saw the public light only by request by our wedding couples. Now […]

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Dec 17, 2013

First Look

The First look is increasingly becoming a staple of modern weddings. It’s arguably the most engaging and emotional way to celebrate your wedding day. Of the many hours spent away from one another during your wedding day, getting ready, greeting guests or tending to other wedding matters, this is the one moment where you actually […]

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For the second part of the blog on Michael & Nikia’s wedding (apologies for the wait) I am focusing specifically on the song selection. I know Nikia and Michael had a very specific song in mind when discussing potential choices for their wedding trailer. The song “This Time” by John Legend was the only choice […]

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A minute’s success pays the failure of years. – Robert Browning   [vimeo width=”640″ height=”360″ video_id=”72037438″]

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