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One of the first questions I often get asked by potential clients during our in person meeting over a cup of coffee at places like the Oxford Exchange, Cafe Hey or Starbucks, is “Do we get to choose our own music or do you select the music for our film?” The first few times caught […]

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Weddings are a monumental moment in anyone’s life. This we know. But there is something that often receives less attention and is completely forgotten by the time of the wedding: the engagement. Engagements are typically handled on a more personal level. Couples are lucky to have a few pictures of the moment, if even that. […]

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Weddings are are a strange, yet exciting spectacles. Strange because so many people of all walks of life go through it and exciting because everyone manages to somehow find someway to make it their own. As someone who documents these major life events, I look out for these subtleties. I catch myself smiling and even […]

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For many people, there is typically a moment when one asks one of life’s most potent questions: Will I ever truly love somebody? There’s a lot that gets wrapped up into that question, but for our purposes here we’ll assume this pertains to the idea of marriage. Will I ever truly love somebody and enter […]

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It may seem like A Peachy Life Productions has become dried up in the video department as it has been quite some time since our last public video. We have been doing a lot of shooting and two of our recent videos never saw the public light only by request by our wedding couples. Now […]

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Dec 17, 2013

First Look

The First look is increasingly becoming a staple of modern weddings. It’s arguably the most engaging and emotional way to celebrate your wedding day. Of the many hours spent away from one another during your wedding day, getting ready, greeting guests or tending to other wedding matters, this is the one moment where you actually […]

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For the second part of the blog on Michael & Nikia’s wedding (apologies for the wait) I am focusing specifically on the song selection. I know Nikia and Michael had a very specific song in mind when discussing potential choices for their wedding trailer. The song “This Time” by John Legend was the only choice […]

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In today’s world, the word love is used (perhaps abused) so much that talking about it causes many to immediately roll their eyes or prepare themselves for a list of bubbly cliches that washes out the meaning of love (whatever that meaning is, we are still trying to decide). Here, we are discussing the love […]

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I feel as though I’ve started nearly every blog post with a line about how the wedding industry is a massive money eating machine with jobs and businesses from every single aspect of your wedding. I can’t seem to talk about it enough. But I think it is fair to then turn the question on […]

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Today we are taking a look at a very visual way of presenting information. These pieces are called infographics. Appealing to the eyes and straight to the point with interesting information, these infographics are an interesting way to make comparable fact sheets and generic font styles interesting and fun to read. It also gives readers […]

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